May 3, 2025
Elliott Hall of Music
Purdue University
712 3rd Street
West Lafayette, IN 47907
Registration is now closed.
Please contact with any questions.
May 3, 2025
Elliott Hall of Music
Purdue University
712 3rd Street
West Lafayette, IN 47907
Registration is now closed.
Please contact with any questions.
Registration must be completed by 11:59 pm ET on Thursday, February 27, 2025. No new registrations or changes will be accepted after this deadline.
See Notes and Conditions section below for important information.
Visit the Travel to Graduation page for a list of hotels and other travel information.
The Commencement Showroom is your hub for all graduation events.
April 28—May 2
Saturday, May 3, 2025
9:00 am ET — In-Person Graduates: Law, Nursing, Health Science
12:30 pm ET — In-Person Graduates: Aviation, Multidisciplinary & Professional Studies, Social & Behavioral Sciences
4:00 pm ET — In-Person Graduates: Business, Information Technology
6:00 pm ET — Virtual Graduates: Aviation, Law, Multidisciplinary & Professional, Nursing, Social & Behavioral Sciences
7:30 pm ET — Virtual Graduates: Business, Health Sciences, Information Technology
See Notes and Conditions section below for important information.
Register for the Ceremony
Registration is now closed.
New registrations or changes will not be accepted after 11:59 pm ET on Thursday, February 27, 2025.
Order Cap and Gown
Required for in-person attendees only
Submit Celebratory Photos
Plan to Attend in Person
Plan to Attend Virtually
Invite Guests to Graduation
Download and personalize your commencement invitation. Email or print it to invite your guests.
Monday, April 28
Open April 28—May 4
Add a digital Purdue Global frame to your photos.
Tuesday, April 29
7:00–7:30 pm ET
Presented virtually by a professor nominated by the graduates, followed by a class toast.
Submit nomination by February 27.
“What wisdom would you impart unto the world if you knew it would be your last chance?”
Wednesday, April 30
Join us for a few games of virtual bingo.
Friday, May 2
Special message emailed to registered graduates.
Date: May 2, 2025
Time: 5:00 pm to 6:30 pm ET
Cordova Recreational Sports Center (CoRec) — Black & Gold Gym
355 North Martin Jischke Drive
West Lafayette, IN 47906
Family-friendly social hour, meet and greets, and photo opportunities.
The event is open to guests of all ages. Tickets are not required. Attire is business casual.
Submit photos and videos for a chance to be featured in commencement celebration videos.
Audition to sing at graduation; open to Purdue Global students registered to attend the in-person commencement.
See Notes and Conditions below for important information.
Commencement: Commencement times will be determined after the participation deadline. Participants and attendees assume all financial and health risks associated with attending commencement and must abide by all guidelines as required by the University, venue, and government. Commencement may be canceled or changed to a virtual experience due to government mandates or advisories regarding public health or safety, and the University will not be responsible for any incurred costs or expenses as a result.
Commencement Participation: Participation in commencement is not a verification of graduation. Candidates receive their diploma approximately 8 weeks after completion of their final class and once all program requirements have been confirmed by University officials.
The Purdue Global Commencement and related events could be broadcast live online and all attendees' student directory information, military branch (if applicable), videos, and photos shown during the ceremony could be photographed, videotaped, or filmed by authorized parties. The registration of all participants, submission of photos/videos, and attendance at or participation in the graduation-related events serve as permission for use of these names, images, and posts by Purdue Global. Commercial photography or filming is prohibited without permission of Purdue Global.