Undergraduate and Graduate Tuition and Fees

Choose your program of study in the Tuition and Fee Finder to view total tuition and program-specific fees. Select a special rate to view total tuition for military students and Indiana residents. Selecting “None” will display standard tuition rates.

View the total cost of attendance for your program. Textbooks are included in the price of tuition for undergraduate courses. 

Policies and general fees are detailed in the sections below. Students are responsible for the general fees in addition to any stated program-specific fees.

Tuition and fee information published on December 4, 2024.

Tuition calculation based on the expected number of terms to complete as a full-time student. The number of terms varies based on the program of study, the rate at which the student completes the program of study, availability of eligible prior learning credits, prerequisites required, and repeated courses

Due to decimal restrictions in the Tuition and Fee Finder, the cost per credit is rounded up prior to determining the total tuition amount. Veterans per-credit tuition for graduate programs is calculated as $362 or $418, but is actually $361.20 and $417.10.

Tuition and Fee Finder

Credit Hours
Terms (F/T Student)
Total Tuition

Tuition Costs

View the total cost of attendance for your program.

  • Undergraduate and Graduate Programs

    Tuition Cost Per Credit for Undergraduate and Graduate Programs

    Undergraduate Programs

    • $371.00 per quarter credit hour for undergraduate online programs
    • $315.00 per quarter credit hour for the Bachelor of Science in Nursing and Associate of Science in Nursing

    Graduate Programs

    • $420.00 per quarter credit hour for all master's programs and graduate certificates, except:
    • $485.00 per quarter credit hour for the MS in Accounting, Master of Business Administration, MS in Finance, MS in Management and Leadership, Graduate Business Certificates, Master of Health Care Administration programs

    Doctorate Programs

    • $420.00 per quarter credit hour for the Doctor of Education in Leadership and Innovation
    • $420–$485.00 per quarter credit hour for Doctor of Health Science (elective courses)
    • $700.00 per quarter credit hour for the Doctor of Health Science (core courses) and Doctor of Nursing Practice program
  • Aviation

    Tuition Costs for the Bachelor in Professional Flight Program

    Tuition for the Bachelor of Science in Professional Flight is $371.00 per quarter credit hour. Explore Purdue Global’s network of alliance partners, which includes aviation organizations and flight schools that offer eligible students a tuition reduction. 

    Flight training and other fees vary by alliance flight partners and their locations. Please contact one of our approved alliance flight partners for their exact costs.

    Flight training fees for the following certifications and ratings, as well as administrative fees, may range from upward of $80,000 to $100,000: private pilot certification, instrument rating, commercial pilot certification, flight instructor certification, and multiengine rating. These costs are not covered by federal financial aid and are the responsibility of the student.

    Important: Purdue Global practica fees for flight training are separate from Purdue Global tuition, vary by flight training partner, and are subject to fluctuations in the cost of goods and services, such as fuel.

  • Professional Studies

    Tuition Costs for Professional Studies Programs

    Tuition for the independent, subscription-based Associate of Science in Professional Studies and the Bachelor of Science in Professional Studies is $195.00 per month plus $100.00 for each Assessment of Skills and Knowledge taken plus $1,855.00 for PR299: Capstone (associate's) and $2,226.00 for PR 499: Capstone (bachelor's).

    Tuition for the capstone course will be billed during the period in which the student is enrolled in the course along with the monthly tuition.

    Note: these programs are available in term-based versions, which are eligible for Title IV financial aid.

  • Exceltrack® Programs

    Per-Term Tuition for ExcelTrack® Programs

    Enrollees in ExcelTrack® programs are not eligible for tuition reductions. Scholarships can be applied to ExcelTrack® program tuition. Military servicemembers, veterans, and spouses are not eligible for military tuition reductions on ExcelTrack® programs.

    • $2,500.00 per term for Bachelor’s Degrees in Analytics, Business Administration, Cloud Computing and Solutions, Criminal Justice, Cybersecurity, Health Care Administration, and Information Technology and the Health Care Quality and Patient Safety Certificate.
    • $2,833.00 per term for the Master of Business Administration, Master of Science in Cybersecurity, and Master of Science in Information Technology programs
    • $3,200.00 per term for the Master of Science in Nursing, Executive Leader Graduate Certificate, and Nurse Educator Graduate Certificate programs
    • $4,062.00 per term for the Bachelor of Science in Nursing (RN-to-BSN)
  • Single Courses

    Tuition Costs for Single Courses

    Undergraduate Programs

    • $371.00 per quarter credit hours for undergraduate (100- to 400-level) courses
    • $297.00 per quarter credit hour* for CJ346: Diversity and Inclusivity in Public Safety.

    Graduate Programs

    • $420.00 per quarter credit hour for courses in all graduate programs except:
    • $485.00 per quarter credit hour for courses in the MS in Accounting (MSA), MS in Finance (MSF), Graduate Certificate in Accounting, MBA, MS in Management (MSM), and Master of Health Care Administration (MHCA) programs, and other graduate business certificates
    • HS520: Essentials of Telehealth, HS530: Telehealth Coordination, MN690: Telehealth Application in Clinical Practice, and PS509: Telebehavioral Health may be audited (no course credits earned) at the rate of $350.00 per course.

    Indiana Residents and Citizens of the three Freely Federated States

    • 25% tuition reduction to $280.00 per quarter credit hour for undergraduate courses.
    • 10% tuition reduction for graduate-level courses.

    *Nondegree-seeking only. The standard tuition rate of $371.00 per quarter credit hour applies when part of a degree or certificate plan. Military tuition rates apply to single courses and micro-credentials: active duty, $165.00 per quarter credit hour; veterans, $230.00 per quarter credit hour; spouses, 10% tuition reduction on standard tuition rates.

    Requests to audit a course must be approved in advance of registration in the course, and if students register to audit a course they may not later in the term decide to take the course for credit. Any questions, comments, or concerns regarding the current tuition rate and/or changes to tuition rates are to be directed to Financial Aid. See the Additional Course Fees section for specific course fees.

    Students must maintain Indiana residency to receive the in-state tuition rate. Relocation to a different state will impact the tuition rate per quarter credit hour. Citizens of the three Freely Associated States include the Federated States of Micronesia (FSM), the Republic of the Marshall Islands (RMI), and the Republic of Palau.

  • Tuition for Military

    Tuition Costs for U.S. Military Servicemembers, Veterans, and Spouses

    U.S. military servicemembers include active duty, members of the Guard or Reserve on drill status, and approved Department of Defense (DoD) civilian employees who are eligible for Tuition Assistance funding.


    • Undergraduate Programs: $165.00 per quarter credit hour
    • Graduate Programs:
      • $320.00 per quarter credit hour for all master's programs and graduate certificates
    • Doctoral Programs:
      • $336.00 per quarter credit hour for the Doctor of Education in Leadership and Innovation program
      • $420–$485 per quarter credit hour for the Doctor of Health Science elective courses
      • $560.00 per quarter credit hour for the Doctor of Health Science core courses and the Doctor of Nursing Practice program


    Reductions vary by program.

    • Undergraduate Programs: $230.00 per quarter credit hour
    • Graduate Programs:
      • $361.20 per quarter credit hour for master's programs and graduate certificates, except:
      • $417.10 per quarter credit hour for the MS in Accounting, Master of Business Administration, MS in Finance, MS in Management and Leadership, and Master of Health Care Administration programs and graduate business certificates
    • Doctoral Programs:
      • $357.00 per quarter credit hour for the Doctor of Education in Leadership and Innovation program
      • $357–$412.25 per quarter credit hour for the Doctor of Health Science elective courses
      • $595.00 per quarter credit hour for the Doctor of Health Science core courses and the Doctor of Nursing Practice program

    U.S. Military Spouses

    • 10% tuition reduction on the standard tuition price for undergraduate and graduate programs (with the exception of Indiana residents, who already receive a reduced tuition rate).
  • Tuition for Indiana Residents & Citizens of Freely Associated States

    Tuition for Indiana Residents and Citizens of the FSM, the RMI, and Palau

    Indiana residents and citizens of the three Freely Associated States—which are the Federated States of Micronesia, the Republic of the Marshall Islands, and the Republic of Palau—qualify for the following in-state tuition savings and benefits at Purdue Global:

    • 25% tuition reduction to $280.00 per quarter credit hour for undergraduate programs and no resource fees (including BS in Nursing)
    • 10% tuition reduction for graduate programs and certificates and no resource fees
    • Military personnel and populations should refer to military tuition

    Note: Students must maintain Indiana residency to receive the in-state tuition rate. Relocation to a different state will impact the tuition rate per quarter credit hour.

Per-credit rates are inclusive of courses taught through both traditional and competency module modalities.

Notice: Any questions, comments, or concerns regarding the current tuition rate and/or changes to tuition rates are to be directed to Financial Aid. A change in program may not constitute a change in tuition. For cost of attendance, including indirect expenses, visit www.purdueglobal.edu/tuition-financial-aid/tuition-reduction/.

Per-Credit Tuition for Google Career Certificates

Program-Specific Fees: Students are responsible for a per-term $345 resource fee. The per-term information technology program $65 lab/simulation fee is waived for students enrolled in the Google career certificates. Please see the Policies and Fees section for full details.

Professional Focus + Google IT Support Certificate

Credit Hours Terms (F/T Student) Total Tuition
46 5 $9,455.00
Course Number Per-Credit Tuition
Micro-Credential Courses (31 credits; courses vary) $230.00
Purdue Global + Google Courses (15 credits; courses vary) $155.00

Professional Focus + Google Data Analytics Certificate

Credit Hours Terms (F/T Student) Total Tuition
51 5 $10,230.00
Course Number Per-Credit Tuition
Micro-Credential Courses (31 credits; courses vary) $230.00
IN223, IN224, IN225, and IN226 $155.00

Professional Focus + Google Project Management Certificate

Credit Hours Terms (F/T Student) Total Tuition
46 5 $9,455.00
Course Number Per-Credit Tuition
Micro-Credential Courses (31 credits; courses vary) $230.00
MT245, MT246, and MT247 $155.00

Professional Focus + Google UX Design Certificate

Credit Hours Terms (F/T Student) Total Tuition
51 5 $10,230.00
Course Number Per-Credit Tuition
Micro-Credential Courses (31 credits; courses vary) $230.00
IN230, IN231, IN232, and IN233 $155.00

Fees and Policies


Unless otherwise noted, these fees are payable directly to Purdue Global, may be paid using financial aid funds, and can be incorporated into the student’s monthly payment plan. Refer to the Tuition and Fee finder for program- and course-specific fees. Course-specific fees, where noted, are applicable to both traditional and module course versions of the course indicated. For module courses, the fee is applied to the M1 module in each set of module courses.

Tuition Cap Administration

All students enrolled in bachelor’s and associate’s degrees eligible for Purdue Global Tuition Cap pricing are required to pay a $200.00 Tuition Cap Administration Fee per term, which covers the administration and processing of students within Cap-eligible programs and counts toward the Tuition Cap. This fee is not charged to Indiana residents.


All students enrolled in a standard undergraduate program are required to pay a $345.00 resource fee per term ($250.00 for military veterans and spouses). U.S. military servicemembers and residents of Indiana enrolled in a standard program are exempt from the resource fee.

All students enrolled in an undergraduate ExcelTrack® program are required to pay a $345.00 resource fee per term. There are no reductions applied to the resource fee for ExcelTrack® programs.

All students enrolled in a standard graduate program are required to pay a $295.00 resource fee per term ($200.00 for U.S. military servicemembers, veterans, and spouses). Indiana residents receive a 10% reduction on resource fees per term.

All students enrolled in a graduate ExcelTrack® program are required to pay a $295.00 resource fee per term. There are no reductions applied to the resource fee in ExcelTrack® programs.

All undergraduate students enrolled in single courses are required to pay a $345.00 resource fee per term ($250.00 for U.S. military servicemembers, veterans, and military spouses). The resource fee is waived for Indiana undergraduate residents.

Graduate students enrolled in single courses pay a $295.00 resource fee per term ($200.00 for U.S. military servicemembers, veterans, and military spouses). Graduate residents receive a 10% reduction on resource fees per term.

Additional Technology Requirements for Courses

Along with the Technology Requirements listed in the Catalog, all students should review and be aware of any additional software and hardware requirements for their classes prior to enrollment. For a complete listing of additional requirements, visit www.purdueglobal.edu/admissions/technology-requirements/hardware-software/.


Undergraduate students enrolled in EL206 will pay a $1,500.00 course fee. This nonrefundable fee will be collected as follows: 50% after add/drop week and 50% upon submission of a portfolio for evaluation. Undergraduate students who withdraw from the course after add/drop week, withdraw from Purdue Global before completing the course, fail the course, or do not submit a portfolio after completion of the course will not be charged the remaining $750.00. This fee may be paid using financial aid funds and can be incorporated into the student’s monthly payment plan.

Assessments of Skills and Knowledge

A fee of $100.00 is required for each Assessment of Skills and Knowledge taken.


A fee of $10.00 is charged for each copy of an official transcript. A $2.00 shipping and handling fee will be charged if the receiving school is unable to accept electronic delivery. Additional fees are as follows: notarized, $30.00; rush delivery, $25.00. Students will receive one free copy of their official diploma. Additional fees are as follows: duplicate/replacement, $25.00 (free if damaged in shipment or printed with errors); notarized, $30.00; apostille, $100.00.

Open Learning Course LRC100

Undergraduate students enrolled in Purdue Global's LRC100 course will pay a $1,500.00 assessment fee when they submit their portfolio for evaluation. This nonrefundable fee will not be covered by financial aid.

Additional Fees

A $25.00 fee will be added for all returned checks. Refer to the Tuition Finder for program- and course-specific fees.

Additional Fees for Purdue Global Courses


Students enrolled in the following business courses are required to pay the respective fee for each course:

  • GB 500: $43.00 for Marketplace Business Fundamentals Simulation
  • GB 601: $55.00 for Marketplace Strategy and Business Policy Simulation
  • GB 602: $45.00 for Marketplace Conscious Capitalism Simulation

Education Abroad

Students enrolled in BU429, GB528, GB529, or GB602 will participate in either an international travel or virtual Education Abroad experience. Fees for the travel experience will vary and are estimated to range from $3,000 to $7,500, inclusive of airfare, accommodations, travel insurance, ground transportation, specified tours and experiences, some meals, and other additional fees. Fees for the virtual experience will vary and are estimated to range from $250 to $400, inclusive of admission to all available experiences and other additional fees. Both the travel and virtual experience fees will vary by destination and itinerary and will be applied to your student account. Additional out-of-pocket expenses may be required, including for unforeseen circumstances.

Information Technology

Students enrolled in the following information technology courses have an additional one-time lab/simulation charge of $45 for each course: IT 530, IT 535, IT 540, IT 542, and IT 550.


Students enrolled in an applied behavior analysis psychology program or course are required to pay a one-time fee of $408.00 prior to the start of PS 507, PS 558, PS 560, PS 561, PS 562, PS 563, PS 564, and PS 565.

Service Learning Travel Experience

Students enrolled in PR450 and PR550 may have the opportunity to participate in a service learning travel experience. Fees for the travel experience will vary and are estimated to range from $2,000.00 to $4,000.00, inclusive of airfare, accommodations, travel insurance, ground transportation, specified tours and experiences, and some meals. Fees will vary by destination and itinerary, will be applied to your student account, and may be paid using federal financial aid funds if enrolled in an eligible program. Additional out-of-pocket expenses may be required, including for unforeseen circumstances. Participation in the travel experience is not mandatory for course enrollment. Fees are charged only to students who participate in the travel experience. Military tuition assistance does not cover trip fees. Contact servicelearning@purdueglobal.edu for details, including experience locations, payment schedules, and refund policies.


  1. Books and instructional materials: Not all courses require textbooks; some use electronic instructional materials.

    Undergraduate programs:
    Books and instructional materials are estimated at $50.00 to $250.00 per course. Books and instructional materials are provided at no cost to U.S. military servicemembers enrolled in all undergraduate programs. This fee is waived for other undergraduate students. Some courses may require students to purchase additional course materials from another source. Students may purchase supplemental course materials at a retail price predetermined by University administration.

    Graduate programs: Books and other instructional materials are not included in the cost of tuition. Textbook and supplies may be purchased through the college bookstore or through other sources. Some courses may require students to purchase additional course materials from another source. Books and instructional materials are estimated at $50.00 to $250.00 per course. This is the approximate cost of books and supplies per term for a full-time student.
  2. U.S. military servicemembers receiving reduced military tuition rates and fees are not eligible for Purdue Global scholarships, tuition vouchers, or reductions. Purdue Global participates in the Yellow Ribbon Program, which assists eligible students utilizing Post-9/11 GI Bill® Chapter 33 benefits with tuition and fees that exceed the annual VA benefit cap. Eligible students enrolled in Purdue Global’s School of Aviation can receive up to $3,700 per academic year if tuition and fees exceed the annual benefit cap. With the exception of the Bachelor of Science in Professional Flight, Purdue Global's programs do not exceed the annual benefit cap and the Yellow Ribbon Program is not applicable. These reductions may not be used in conjunction with scholarships or other reductions unless otherwise noted.
    GI Bill® is a registered trademark of the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). More information about education benefits offered by VA is available at the official U.S. government website at www.benefits.va.gov/gibill/.
  3. Tuition Cap: Enrollees in Tuition Cap programs will pay an additional $200.00 per-term Administration Fee (which also counts toward the Tuition Cap). Indiana residents are not eligible for Tuition Cap pricing. Enrollees in Tuition Cap programs prior to July 5, 2017, should consult with Financial Aid to determine which pricing model is most advantageous for them.
  4. Indiana residents may not combine the Indiana tuition rate with Purdue Global scholarships, tuition vouchers, or other reductions.
  5. Not all programs are available in all states. Check with an Admissions Advisor.
  6. Tuition and fees are subject to change after 30 days’ advance notice. See the current University Catalog/Addendum for an explanation of the Refund Policy.
  7. Tuition is payable in full every term. Tuition payments can be made at the following website: https://paymentcenter.purdueglobal.edu/. International students must make payments by credit card or wire transfer.
  8. Graduate students who take courses offered by other programs within the University may be charged a different tuition rate than that for their program of study.
  9. Full-time status in an undergraduate program is defined as 12 credit hours per term. Full-time status in a 10-week graduate program is defined as 8 credit hours per term.
  10. Failure to return library materials to Purdue Global or any of its partner libraries will result in a financial obligation to Purdue Global and may result in postponement of registration for a new term or graduation. Instructional materials must be returned unused within 14 days from the date the student notifies the University of cancellation of enrollment. The student will be responsible for payment of any bill received for instructional materials not returned.
  11. Students outside the United States or U.S. Territories will be responsible for the cost and the shipment of instructional materials including returns and payment of customs duties or fees.
  12. Upon enrollment, undergraduate students must attest to high school graduation or equivalent. The University may require students to present actual proof of graduation or its equivalent as part of its verification process. All graduates of foreign high schools must provide actual proof of secondary completion by providing a degree or transcripts prior to enrollment. Please refer to the University Catalog for additional information.
  13. To attend a master’s degree program at Purdue Global, students must have earned a bachelor’s degree. To attend a postgraduate degree program at Purdue Global, students must have earned a master’s degree. Prior to enrollment, foreign transcripts must be evaluated for equivalency to a U.S. college degree by an NACES-approved evaluation agency. Please refer to the University Catalog for specific requirements.
  14. Postbaccalaureate program enrollees: Students must furnish an official transcript indicating receipt of a bachelor’s degree from a college or university accredited by a regional or national accrediting agency recognized by the U.S. Department of Education by 2 days prior to the start of the first term. If by the deadline you are unable to provide an official college transcript showing your prior degree completion, Purdue Global will attempt to use the unofficial transcript you provided during enrollment, and compare it to other official record sources, to confirm that the degree completion requirements for your program have been met. If the degree cannot be officially verified, as defined by Purdue Global, by 2 days prior to your scheduled start date, you will need to defer your start date.
  15. Fees and completion time for background checks vary by country. Additional criminal background check information may be required for a student based on his or her country or clinical setting. All expenses incurred for the background check will be paid by the student directly to the provider.
  16. Cancellation of Enrollment Agreement: Three-Day Cancellation — An applicant who provides written notice of cancellation within three days (excluding Saturday, Sunday, and federal and state holidays) of signing an Enrollment Agreement is entitled to a refund of all monies paid.

Policies — Professional Studies

  1. All students are required to pay tuition and fees in full prior to the start of each month of enrollment; see the Refund Policy in the Enrollment Agreement.
  2. Prior to the start of courses, students seeking to enroll in one of our independent model, professional studies degree programs are required to provide a credit card to our third-party payment processor through Student Accounts and authorize the monthly program charge for up to 12 months. Students will be charged their monthly tuition on the first of each month beginning in the first full month of enrollment. This process will need to be renewed every 12 months.
  3. Scheduled payments will be canceled if students take a leave of absence or withdraw from the independent model programs. Students returning from a leave of absence must reschedule their payments and authorization with Student Accounts prior to returning to their program.
  4. Students will be dropped from their program should they have a balance due past the fifteenth day of each month.
  5. Tuition for the independent model, subscription-based professional studies program may not be combined with any other Purdue Global tuition reduction, scholarship, or tuition voucher.